Covid 19 Rapid Testing Information
We are excited to announce that we have rapid Covid-19 testing available within each school building for those who become symptomatic or contact someone who has Covid-19 with the goal of keeping students in school.
We will be using BinaxNOW tests, which provide results in 15 minutes and are administered using a self-administered nasal swab. These antigen tests are highly accurate, detecting 97-98% of infected individuals. Individuals tested will receive results via text and/or email on the same day. All test results will be shared with the local health department as required for public health reporting.
If you are interested in joining this program please fill out the family permission form and register any interested individual using the individuals building's link below. Contact your building's office staff to help connect you with a testing administrator if a test is needed.
Registration Links for users:
Eagleridge ES: