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Principal's Message

 Hello Eagleridge families!


On behalf of the staff, I would like to welcome you to Eagleridge Elementary School.  We are excited to join with your family in the important work of educating your child.  Perhaps nothing is more essential to our mission than to inspire hope and provide students with the tools they need to build their dreams.

Here at Eagleridge, our teachers are experienced, dedicated professionals who absolutely love children.  Many have been recognized regionally for their expertise as educators.  I can assure you they will commit themselves fully to helping your child receive the best possible education.

We also know that if children are to meet their full potential, we need you to be active participants in the education of your children. Each and every night, read to them or have them read to you.  Ask them specific questions about their school day.  Tell them you believe in them, and that sometimes the hardest work brings the greatest joys.  Check their homework.  If you have concerns or questions, contact the teacher so you may work together to benefit your child. 

Eagleridge Elementary exists to serve the Ferndale community and your family.  If you have any questions or concerns, please stop by the school, send us a ParentSquare, or give us a call at (360)383-9700.  We are excited to get the new school year underway. 

Let’s make it a great year!

Mr. Burnett

Mischa with student